Get 104 Weeks (That's 2 Years!) Of Email Content All Planned Out For You... And Keep Your Subscribers Pipin' Hot & Waiting To Buy From You!

Keep your subscribers happy, nurtured, and profitable with The Happy Subscribers Toolkit.

Usually $97... Get it at 62% off and get instant access!

Get 104 Weeks (That's 2 Years!) Of Email Content All Planned Out For You... And Keep Your Subscribers Pipin' Hot & Waiting To Buy From You!

Keep your subscribers happy, nurtured, and profitable with The Happy Subscribers Toolkit.

Usually $97... Get it at 62% off and get instant access!

We are expected to consistently churn out email after email if we want to build a strong relationship with our subscribers... but we can't always be "switched on".

Whether you send newsletter emails once a week, twice a week, or even every single day... it gets overwhelming at times.

 Sometimes we just don't know what to send our subscribers.

Maybe it's a tiring week and we just don't feel like sending an email out... (although we know we have to. Of course.)

 Sometimes we don't feel particularly creative or inspired.

 Sometimes we are so busy with all the other things in our business and personal lives, our email list gets neglected.

We're humans, after all!

Deciding on the right thing to send your list alone can be quite an arduous process, and we have not even got to the actual writing...

Writing emails can take such a LONG time! It's amazing how such a short email can be so difficult to produce at times. 

Sitting in front of your computer, waiting for "inspiration to strike", thinking of a creative angle to write your next email with... Familiar?

Let's not even get to the massive amounts of sales emails we have to write when we launch something new... *stress* 

We are expected to consistently churn out email after email if we want to build a strong relationship with our subscribers... but we can't always be "switched on".

Whether you send newsletter emails once a week, twice a week, or even every single day... it gets overwhelming at times.

 Sometimes we just don't know what to send our subscribers.

Maybe it's a tiring week and we just don't feel like sending an email out... (although we know we have to. Of course.)

 Sometimes we don't feel particularly creative or inspired.

 Sometimes we are so busy with all the other things in our business and personal lives, our email list gets neglected.

We're humans, after all!

Deciding on the right thing to send your list alone can be quite an arduous process, and we have not even got to the actual writing...

Writing emails can take such a LONG time! It's amazing how such a short email can be so difficult to produce at times. 

Sitting in front of your computer, waiting for "inspiration to strike", thinking of a creative angle to write your next email with... Familiar?

Let's not even get to the massive amounts of sales emails we have to write when we launch something new... *stress* 

As online business owners, we can't afford to ignore our list and let it grow cold.

Your email list is the single biggest asset your business owns! It took you time, sweat, and money to get those subscribers to say YES to you. Don't let all that go to waste.

You need a plan that ensures that you are building a strong relationship with your subscribers...

Introducing The Happy Subscribers Toolkit: 

Your Personal Toolkit of Ideas & Templates To Keep Your Email List Happy, Engaged, And Wildly Profitable...

  With an email content plan spanning 2 years... 

  104 unique and proven email content ideas to send your list, enough newsletter ideas to last you for 2 years of broadcasts... 

  ... AND 124 high-performing plug-and-play email templates that you can swipe to nurture and engage your subscribers...

For a whopping no-brainer offer of just... $37! (!!!)

"Before I knew about The Happy Subscribers Toolkit, I dreaded writing my newsletter because I did not think I have enough content to write about. But The Happy Subscribers toolkit helped me plan out content a month in advance. 

Now, I'm working on my second month of content with this toolkit, and I couldn't be happier."

- Tomeka Wray Crochet Designer & Creator @ hookedbytyese.com

I am a fellow online entrepreneur myself, and I know how busy things can be.

I've felt the pressure to send email after email. Sometimes I felt inspired, sometimes I was too lazy or busy. I have even skipped newsletters in the past and felt really guilty.

Writing emails took up copious amounts of my time! On my "off" days, I would stare at my computer screen and zone out, desperately trying to come up with good email content ideas when I was just not feeling creative that day.

After sending out thousands of emails to my list over the last ~5 years and observing which emails worked and which didn't... 

Reading tens of thousands of emails from marketers (across multiple verticals) and expert copywriters on a daily basis...

I steadily accumulated a ton of high-performing email content ideas, crafted multiple go-to templates for my business, and can now write emails with so much more ease.

But really, I am most glad that I can help other entrepreneurs find "the rhythm" that keeps their subscribers happy, nurtured, and piping hot... without driving themselves insane.

You don't have to start every email from scratch. Not anymore!

I am a fellow online entrepreneur myself, and I know how busy things can be.

I've felt the pressure to send email after email. Sometimes I felt inspired, sometimes I was too lazy or busy. I have even skipped newsletters in the past and felt really guilty.

Writing emails took up copious amounts of my time! On my "off" days, I would stare at my computer screen and zone out, desperately trying to come up with good email content ideas when I was just not feeling creative that day.

After sending out thousands of emails to my list over the last ~5 years and observing which emails worked and which didn't... 

Reading tens of thousands of emails from marketers (across multiple verticals) and expert copywriters on a daily basis...

I steadily accumulated a ton of high-performing email content ideas, crafted multiple go-to templates for my business, and can now write emails with so much more ease.

But really, I am most glad that I can help other entrepreneurs find "the rhythm" that keeps their subscribers happy, nurtured, and piping hot... without driving themselves insane.

You don't have to start every email from scratch. Not anymore!

This Means You Can...

Keep your email list hot, active, and engaged. 

Consistently send quality emails with ease. 

Add value to people's lives and impact others.

Build trust and nurture your subscribers.

Establish yourself as a credible expert.

Cultivate a tribe who want YOU to solve their issues.

Send strategic emails that primes subscribers to buy.

Make more money from serving your subscribers.

Maximize the income potential of your email list.

A well-nurtured email list of 100 people is more valuable than a cold email list of 10,000 people.

You have worked so hard to acquire your subscribers, it would be a tragedy to just let them grow cold.

Keep your subscribers nurtured. Strategically get them to see you as the person that will solve their problems. Create ample opportunities in your emails to sell to them.

If they don't buy from you, they are going to buy from someone else. Let it be you. Be the one that changes people's lives!

"Normally, I don't email my list very consistently... I tried several different times to get a better schedule for emailing my list... But I just couldn't think of anything to write. And then I got this toolkit! It's amazing.

The biggest thing about The Happy Subscribers Toolkit is that it took all of the pressure off. I wasn't emailing my subscribers because I couldn't think of anything, so I just wouldn't.

With these templates, I don't think I'm going to have that problem anymore... at least for 2 years, which is a long time of emailing your subscribers every single week!

It's going to be great for my business. It's going to help me to really have that connection with my subscribers that I haven't had before because I can actually talk to them more and give them better content. It's a no-brainer. It really, really is a game-changer.

- Angela Hooper, Founder @ thegirlwithashovel.com, Creator of the Indoor Plant Guide eBook

The Happy Subscribers Toolkit Is Not Just Great For Business, It Does Wonders For Your Sanity Too...


You now possess a concrete and solid email content plan that you can implement in your online business.

Reduce Stress

Take the stress, worry, and anxiety off having to constantly brainstorm something fresh to send your email list.

Huge Time-Saver

Save days of your precious time spent writing email after email, week after week!

Focus on growing your business with peace in your heart, knowing that you have a system that ensures that your subscribers are well taken care of!

The Happy Subscribers Toolkit Is Not Just Great For Business, It Does Wonders For Your Sanity Too...


You now possess a concrete and solid email content plan that you can implement in your online business.

Reduce Stress

Take the stress, worry, and anxiety off having to constantly brainstorm something fresh to send your email list.

Huge Time-Saver

Save days of your precious time spent writing email after email, week after week!

Focus on growing your business with peace in your heart, knowing that you have a system that ensures that your subscribers are well taken care of!

Here's What You Get Inside The Happy Subscribers Toolkit!

Suggested 24-Month Weekly Newsletter Content Plan for The Next 2 Years!

You get 24 months of email broadcast content ideas all planned out for you... this means 104 unique email content ideas!

You get 24 months of email broadcast content ideas all planned out for you! This means you now have an email content plan for a whopping 2 years. Easily plan and schedule your email content without having to start from scratch.

This is an email content plan with 104 unique once a week broadcast emails spanning 2 years that you can send to your subscribers to keep them engaged and well-nurtured.

This is a 100% customizable plan. You can easily edit the plan, shift the emails around, or change the frequency of how often you want to send broadcasts... as you prefer!

This Means a Cohesive Masterplan Of 104 Different Email Content Ideas To Send Your Subscribers... Once a Week Newsletter Content To Last You For 2 Years.

Never be at a loss of what to send your email list anymore.

Begone, the days of staring at your screen, with your head completely blank and devoid of ideas!

Inside the toolkit, you get 104 fun and proven ideas that you can use to nurture & engage your list. Build trust, add value, and increase demand for your products & services.

Editable Blank Printable Email Content Planning Sheets Also Included! 

(2 Different Colors)

Aside from the 8 pre-filled planning sheets packed with 104 email content ideas, you also get additional blank planning sheets that you can use for years to come.

If you are a creative person and enjoy DIY-ing your own plan, we give you all the resources you need (ideas + templates + sheets) to easily craft out an email content plan of your own.

You can print the sheets out or easily edit them on your computer to create a cohesive email content plan of your own with the help of the ideas and templates in The Happy Subscribers Toolkit!

Your Personal Arsenal Of 104 Proven Plug-And-Play Newsletter Broadcast Email Templates!

Each of the 104 emails in your 24-month email content plan comes with an accompanying email template you can use.

This means you get once a week newsletter email templates for 2 entire years to build trust and keep your subscribers happy, engaged, and nurtured... all done for you.

Just copy and paste a template you like, customize it to fit your business, and you're ready to send your email out!

You get my library of 100% customizable email templates designed to build trust and make you sales. You no longer have to write every email from scratch!

The Newsletter Broadcast Email Templates You Get Inside The Toolkit Include Emails Like...

The "Avoid These Big Mistakes" Email

The "Breaking Down Common Myths" Email

The "DOWNLOAD This Lead Magnet NOW Before It’s Gone" Email

The "I Saw This Juicy Thing On Facebook" Email

The "Survey Your Audience" Email

The "Community Building" Email

... and many more email ideas + templates that will help you to build trust, engage your subscribers, and prime them for the sale. 

Keep your subscribers piping hot and waiting to buy from you!

Email stats before vs after using the toolkit - artcanvasfactory.com

Email stats after using the toolkit... - penelopesilver.com

"It is worth at least 10 times as much, maybe more.... I have seen so many done for you packages of all kinds... and have never seen anything put together so thoroughly with so much heart and consideration." - Jamie R.

"Looking through everything, I just kept thinking, "This is gold." I am so happy to have things speed out the way you have done." - Sheila W.

That's Not All... You Also Get...

+ 5 Additional Welcome Sequence Email Templates

New subscribers should be treated differently from your main list because they are still unfamiliar with your business.

The first few emails you send are crucial and will determine if a new subscriber will open your future emails.

Build trust and establish credibility with your new subscribers with our welcome sequence email templates specifically designed to turn strangers into eager subscribers who remember you and look forward to your emails.

+ 15 Additional Essential Proven Sales Email Templates: Plan Your Year Of Making Money!

When you are ready, make money from your email list using these sales email "ka-ching" templates!

These essential sales email templates are based on psychological triggers and can be used again and again to bring you sales throughout the year.

You get cart open emails, cart closing reminder emails... and even a 4-part flash sale sequence!

These are must-have sales templates that every entrepreneur has to have in order to maximize the revenue made from their email list.

The Essential Sales Email Templates You Get Inside The Toolkit Include Emails Like...

4-Part Flash Sale Sequence Emails

Cart Open / Product Launch Announcement

24 Hours More & Last Call Reminder Emails

The "New Bonus Added" Announcement Email

The "Answers To Your Questions" FAQ Email

The Testimonial / Case Study Email

... and other essential sales email templates that you will need in your online entrepreneurial journey which I will not disclose here.

Get Instant Access To The Happy Subscribers Toolkit Now!

For a whopping no-brainer offer of only.... $37! (!!!)

"What I really liked about The Happy Subscribers Toolkit is that everything is in one nice and neat place.

It's more than just templates. It's the science behind the template. The toolkit tells you why each email works, who it would work for, and it comes with so many other resources.

This Happy Subscribers Toolkit is sure to keep my subscribers nice and happy for a good long while!"

- Naomi Nakashima, Freelance Writer @ HelpMeNaomi.Com

100% Customizable Fill-In-The-Blank Templates... You Have Full Control!

In each Happy Subscribers Toolkit Template, you get a fill-in-the-blank template that you can easily edit to suit your specific business and writing style.

These blanks prompt you to come out of your shell... to share parts of you and your business that you wouldn't have thought of sharing with your list.

One template, thousands of possible permutations. 

I believe in giving you the best starting point possible so that you can not just save as much time as possible, but also to bring out the best of you (and your business) to create the highest quality emails possible.

The Happy Subscribers Toolkit Is Loved By Over 10,000 Online Entrepreneurs From All Walks of Life, Across Multiple Niches...

The newsletter content ideas and templates inside The Happy Subscribers Toolkit can be used across multiple niches. We specify where in each template you should customize to suit your specific niche and business.

The Happy Subscriber Toolkit is loved by ordinary entrepreneurs from all walks of life who now use this toolkit every single week to send amazing emails out...

But don't just listen to us...

"This toolkit that Raelyn Tan created for us is amazing! I just wish I had this like, 3 years ago. But it's here now, and I'm so excited about this.

My emails felt stale and I just was having a difficult time writing them. So I started taking copywriting courses and studied under some of the biggest names in the industry, and still felt that writing emails was just not one of my strengths.

Having templates like these is so amazing to prompt you to just fill in the blanks so that you can deliver valuable emails... I mean, it's pure gold! 
It's just so much value, especially for the price."

- Stephanie Donaheu, Funnel Builder, Clickfunnels 2 Comma Club X Member, Certified Online Business Manager @ stephaniedonahue.co

"I was trying to do my job, do research, do everything... and I was starting to get overwhelmed and stressed on how to communicate effectively with my subscribers. This is toolkit is amazing! I feel so much less stressed because this is the part that I was not so sure about. 

I love planners and templates and organizers and things that help me to do a job well! Whether you are a new blogger or more experienced, I definitely recommend this toolkit! It is invaluable."

- Amara, Brand New Christian Blogger & YouTuber

"It is phenomenal. 24 months of email content. I'm loving this, because this is exactly what I needed. Email has probably been the weakest part of my business game. 

She really lays it out. Everything that I need to create powerful emails... I'm loving every aspect of it, a lot of stuff is plug-and-play for me. I can go in there and make adjustments. It's just very simple, very easy. So simple that I could follow it! So simple that both experts and amateurs can follow. I highly recommend this."

- Antonio Carter, Affiliate Marketing Coach @ antonioxcarter.com

"Raelyn has thought of everything... My favorite part of the toolkit are the notes from Raelyn right in front of the email templates. This is like getting coaching from a marketing expert right before you sit down and write. 

With these tools, I save time & energy while I build real relationships with my subscribers. With ready to use content ideas that fit into a yearly timeline, I'm ready to start right away.

I was feeling super overwhelmed by the thought of nurturing my email list but now I feel confident that I can meet the needs of my audience and serve them in a unique and efficient way. 

I am so happy to use The Happy Subscribers Toolkit and I hope it will help you as much as it has helped me."

- Lucy Jo, Interior Design Courses / Best-Selling Author @ lucyjohome.com

An Example of An Actual Planning Sheet Of Ideas You Get Inside The Toolkit...

An Example of An Actual Email Template You Get Inside The Toolkit... 

"Not only will The Happy Subscribers Toolkit make your subscribers happy because you'll be sending them content more regularly, it will also make you happy because you won't procrastinate sending your emails. 

You will know exactly what to say and what to write in your emails. I just can't wait to map out a month's, or a quarter's, or a year's worth of email newsletters, and just hit send, and know exactly what to send to my new subscribers!

The price is right, and I hope you will hop on! Thank you Raelyn, for this great template package.

- Karyn @ OpenYourTreasures.Com (Thriving Through Grief, Wellness)

That's Not All! You Get These 4 Additional Bonuses Too When You Purchase The Happy Subscribers Toolkit Today.

Bonus #1: 250 High-Converting Email Subject Lines (PDF)

Increase your email open rates with these 250 fill-in-the-blank catchy email subject line templates.

Simply open this document, copy a headline you like, and then personalize it for your emails. 

Bonus #2: 50+ High Emotion Trigger Words To Write More Powerfully (PDF)

Get this ultimate list of my favorite 50 high-emotion trigger words and do a makeover of the words you use!

Go from using common, yawn-inducing words to using power words that trigger emotional responses, capture attention, and prompt people to take action. 

Bonus #3: Tiny List To-Dos (Cheat Sheet) 

The biggest mistake a tiny list owner can make is not emailing your list often, thinking that nobody is listening. Not true! While numbers are important, the QUALITY of your list is even more important.
This cheatsheet contains the to-dos every tiny list owner must follow to maximize engagement and quickly cultivate a quality group of die-heart followers.

This is especially important when your email list is still very small!

Bonus #4: 9 Hacks to Get Personal & Build Deep Relationships With Your Subscribers (Cheat Sheet)

Want to build deep and personal relationships with your subscribers?

Learn the 9 hacks to incorporate into any of your emails to quickly transform boring emails into personable emails that build deep relationships with your subscribers.

Go from being "just another cookie-cutter business" to becoming a standout brand that your subscribers know, like, and trust.

That's Not All! You Get These 4 Additional Bonuses Too When You Purchase The Happy Subscribers Toolkit Today.

Bonus #1: 250 High-Converting Email Subject Lines (PDF)

Increase your email open rates with these 250 fill-in-the-blank catchy email subject line templates.

Simply open this document, copy a headline you like, and then personalize it for your emails. 

Bonus #2: 50+ High Emotion Trigger Words To Write More Powerfully (PDF)

Get this ultimate list of my favorite 50 high-emotion trigger words and do a makeover of the words you use!

Go from using common, yawn-inducing words to using power words that trigger emotional responses, capture attention, and prompt people to take action. 

Bonus #3: Tiny List To-Dos (Cheat Sheet) 

The biggest mistake a tiny list owner can make is not emailing your list often, thinking that nobody is listening. Not true! While numbers are important, the QUALITY of your list is even more important.
This cheatsheet contains the to-dos every tiny list owner must follow to maximize engagement and quickly cultivate a quality group of die-heart followers.

This is especially important when your email list is still very small!

Bonus #4: 9 Hacks to Get Personal & Build Deep Relationships With Your Subscribers (Cheat Sheet)

Want to build deep and personal relationships with your subscribers?

Learn the 9 hacks to incorporate into any of your emails to quickly transform boring emails into personable emails that build deep relationships with your subscribers.

Go from being "just another cookie-cutter business" to becoming a standout brand that your subscribers know, like, and trust.

Who Is Behind The Happy Subscribers Toolkit?

Hey, I'm Raelyn Tan! I've spent the past 4+ years dedicated to helping entrepreneurs with their email lists.

As a recovering perfectionist, The Happy Subscribers Toolkit has been refined dozens of times over the past 1.5 years to bring you the best engagement and results.

  • List building specialist at raelyntan.com

  • ​Blogging for 10 years (4+ years on this current biz)

  • ​First-class honors marketing degree

  • ​Social media following of over 60k+ entrepreneurs

  • ​I work full-time from home online since 2017

  • ​0 to 1K subscribers in 4 months, over 40K subscribers now

  • ​Over 200 students in my signature traffic and list building course, List Building Incubator

Some fun facts: I am a Christian and the eldest daughter of 3 children. I love traveling - I especially love scenic road trips, or traveling to Japan to eat sushi there! I drink one coffee a day to keep the blues away. You would probably find me reading a good book at a nearby cafe!

Who Is Behind The Happy Subscribers Toolkit?

Hey, I'm Raelyn Tan! I've spent the past 4+ years dedicated to helping entrepreneurs with their email lists. As a recovering perfectionist, The Happy Subscribers Toolkit has been refined dozens of times over the past 1.5 years to bring you the best engagement and results.

  • List building specialist at raelyntan.com

  • ​Blogging for 10 years (4+ years on this current biz)

  • ​First-class honors marketing degree

  • ​Social media following of over 60k+ entrepreneurs

  • ​I work full-time from home online since 2017

  • ​0 to 1K subscribers in 4 months, over 40K subscribers now

  • ​Over 200 students in my signature traffic and list building course, List Building Incubator 

Some fun facts: I am a Christian and the eldest daughter of 3 children. I love traveling - I especially love scenic road trips, or traveling to Japan to eat sushi there! I drink one coffee a day to keep the blues away. You would probably find me reading a good book at a nearby cafe!

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I am SO confident that you'll absolutely LOVE this toolkit that I am offering a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with The Happy Subscribers Toolkit for whatever reason, contact me within 30 days and I will gladly refund you all your money back. All the risk is on me!

"I now know what to send my subscribers for the next 24 months. The templates are very well-written and easily customizable to any niche, including recipes! 

Copywriting is definitely not my strong suit, so I am thankful that this toolkit will not only save me countless hours, it will also make writing emails less of a chore. 

This means I have more time for all the other things in my business and life, and makes my journey as an online entrepreneur so much easier.

- Anushree @ SimmerToSlimmer.com (Helping Busy Moms Cook Healthy & Delicious Meals)

Once Again, Here's a Summary of Everything You Get Inside The Happy Subscribers Toolkit:

  • Suggested 24-Month Email Content Plan: Calendar of newsletter broadcast ideas for 2 years!

  • Editable Printable Planning Sheets in 2 Different Colors: Use these thoughtfully created planning sheets to plan your email content for years to come!

  • 104 Different + Proven Newsletter Ideas To Send Your Email List:​ Never be at a loss of what to send your email list anymore. Plus, the accompanying plug-and-play 100% editable email templates consisting of:

  • 104 Plug-and-Play Broadcast Email Templates: Once a week newsletter emails for 2 entire years to build trust and keep your subscribers happy, engaged, and nurtured, all done for you!

  • 5 Welcome Email Sequence Templates: Build trust and establish credibility with your new subscribers using these indoctrination templates specifically designed to turn strangers into eager subscribers ready to open your emails.

  • 15 Essential Sales Email Templates: Make money from your email list without being sleazy with these 30 proven sales email "ka-ching" templates! These are must-have sales templates that every entrepreneur should use to maximize the revenue made from their list.

  • Bonus #1: 250 High-Converting Email Subject Lines PDF

  • Bonus #2: 50 High Emotion Power Words Ultimate List PDF

  • Bonus #3: Tiny List To-dos Cheat Sheet

  • Bonus #4: 9 Hacks to Build Personal & Strong Relationships With Your Subscribers Cheat Sheet

For a whopping no-brainer offer of only.... $37! (!!!)

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this so affordable?

I know right, it is insane. I am hoping that you will purchase this toolkit, receive a ton of amazing value from it, and come back for more of my products & services after.

Why 24 months?

Long enough for you to receive a TON of value, but not so long that we overwhelm you.

How many emails are we sending per week following the broadcast plan?

The suggested email content plan recommends that you send once a week broadcast emails. Feel free to send more or less emails, as you prefer. For example, if you choose to send emails twice a week instead, the 24-month email plan will last you for a year instead.

Will this be valuable even if I am a good email writer?

Yes! First, you no longer have to spend hours trying to come up with ideas to send your email list. Get on-demand inspiration from this toolkit! 

Second, you save a ton of time with this toolkit as you gain access to hundreds of ideas and templates to engage your subscribers with. 

Third, even the best writers have their "off" days. This toolkit helps you a ton when you are having one of those dry days. Maybe life got in the way. Maybe you're busy. We all have some of those days.

I'm in XYZ niche. Will this work for me?

Yes, scroll up to see the testimonials of many people from various niches. I have created these templates to be "fill-in-the-blank" style, so that it can be effectively used across niches. All templates are 100% customizable for you to easily access, edit, and send.

What does the suggested email content plan include?

In the 24-month email content plan, you get once a week broadcast email ideas for 24 months. This means that you get 104 broadcast email ideas in total.

You also get access to the 104 accompanying newsletter broadcast email templates, along with 5 welcome sequence indoctrination email templates AND 15 proven sales email templates.

Why not use "automated script softwares" that auto-populate the blanks for us?

There are quite a number of "automated softwares" that help you to auto-populate the blanks in the email templates so that you don't even need to write them. While this sounds good theoretically, the reality is that these softwares often produce subpar emails that sound plain weird.

The toolkit brings you the best of both worlds - convenience AND quality of emails. I don't want you to just churn out an email for the sake of churning out one. We're all about helping you to produce quality emails in the shortest time possible.

How will this toolkit benefit my subscribers?

The toolkit helps to improve the quality of your newsletters as you now have a whole LIBRARY of ideas and templates you can refer to whenever you are staring at a blank page and need some inspiration.

This puts you in the best possible position to produce your best work! You still have to fill in the blanks and put in YOUR unique flavor and message. We make that process easier for you by giving you all the tools you need to SHINE and put your best foot forward.

What's BAD for your subscribers would be to leave them hanging for weeks on end... or to send a bad quality email just because you couldn't think of anything to write on a certain week...

Is this a one-time payment or $37 every month?

This is a one-time payment!

Are there any refunds provided?

Yes, I have a no questions asked 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. All the risk is on me.

Get Instant Access To The Happy Subscribers Toolkit Now!

For a whopping no-brainer offer of only.... $37! (!!!)

Questions? Get support at raelyn@raelyntan.com

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